Windshield Pitting: Causes & Solutions

Have you ever been blinded by a dazzling flash of light that bounced off your windshield? If the same sections of your windshield continue to reflect the sun’s glare into your eyes, you’re probably experiencing the effects of windshield pitting. But what causes it and, more importantly, how can it be prevented?

Windshield pitting is caused by a number of different factors, the most common of which is road debris. Rocks, gravel, and other bits of debris can get kicked up by passing cars and trucks, striking your windshield and leaving behind small chips or cracks. Over time, these chips and cracks can become bigger and deeper, eventually leading to pits in the glass.

Another common cause of windshield pitting is acid rain. The acidic nature of the rainwater can eat away at the glass, causing it to pit and become less clear.

Fortunately, there are a few different solutions for dealing with windshield pitting. One option is to have the affected areas of your windshield repaired

Here’s a breakdown of the common causes and solutions to windshield pitting.

What Causes Windshield Pitting?

When you drive, sand, road grime, and other foreign materials may get caught in your windshield. These small depressions in your windshield distort light that shines on it. Windshield pitting is extremely hazardous at any time of day because it might impair drivers’ vision and cause deadly collisions.

Dirt will embed more thoroughly into your windscreen the faster you drive. windshield pitting is unavoidable, especially if you drive at high speeds on pavement frequently. Car windows that are frequently exposed to the elements in desert areas may acquire significant windshield pitting. Sand can find its way into every crevice and corner of your automobile, including your windscreen.

How to Prevent Windshield Pitting?

The best way to avoid windshield pitting is by regularly cleaning your windshield and removing any debris that has embedded itself into the glass. A good quality window cleaner will help remove any stubborn residue. You should also be sure to repair any cracks or chips in your windshield as soon as possible—even if they’re small. These tiny imperfections can quickly turn into big problems if left unaddressed.

If you live in an area with a lot of road construction, be extra vigilant about keeping your windshield clean. It’s not uncommon for rocks and other debris to get kicked up by passing cars and trucks, so it’s important to remove any potentially harmful materials before they have a chance to do damage.

In general, it’s a good idea to get into the habit of regularly inspecting your windshield for any signs of damage. This way, you can take care of problems before they have a chance to turn into major issues.

What to Do If You Have Windshield Pitting?

If you already have windshield pitting, there are a few different options for dealing with it. One option is to have the affected areas of your windshield repaired by a professional. This will help restore the glass to its original condition and improve your visibility while driving.


How Can You Prevent It?

Cleaning your windscreen is the most effective method to avoid windscreen pitting. To wash your windshield, utilize the windscreen washing feature on your car. It’s also a good idea to drive in the same direction as the wind to keep sand particles off of your screen.

It’s vital to remember that, if the weather is dry, you should never use your vehicle’s windscreen wipers. If you activate the wiper blades when they’re still wet, any debris trapped in them will scratch your glass and exacerbate windshield pitting!

What Causes It?

There are a few different causes of windshield pitting. The most common is road debris, like stones kicked up from the car in front of you. These can cause small chips or cracks in your windshield, which gradually turn into pits over time.

Another common cause of pit formation is acid rain. This type of precipitation is especially corrosive, and can quickly eat away at your windshield if it’s not properly protected.

Finally, extreme changes in temperature can also cause pits to form in your windshield. When there are large swings in temperature (from hot to cold or vice versa), the glass expands and contracts. 


How Do You Fix Pitted Windshields?

The ideal option for windshield pitting is to have it checked by automobile glass experts on a regular basis. They’ll tell you how much pitting there is in your car’s windscreen and whether you need a windshield repair or replacement. Unfortunately, windshield pitting affects every vehicle and isn’t covered by auto insurance coverage. In other words, it’s wise to budget for the cost of having your automobile looked at by an expert auto glass service and having skilled windshield technicians repair your windscreen.

If you want to try and fix pitted windshields on your own, use a glass polishing kit. You can find these kits at auto stores or online. Glass polishing kits contain a set of instructions, a abrasive pad, and a rotary tool.

First, clean the windshield with soapy water and dry it completely. Then follow the instructions that come with the kit to attach the abrasive pad to the rotary tool. Start polishing the pitted areas of the windshield in a circular motion. Apply even pressure as you work your way around the entire windshield. After a few minutes, check your progress. If necessary, reapply more polish and continue polishing until you’re satisfied with the results.

Keep in mind that you won’t be able to completely remove all traces of windshield pitting. But with a glass polishing kit and some patience, you can minimize the appearance of pits and make your windshield look much better.

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